søndag den 14. december 2014

Week 20 - prelude no. 1

Dette indlæg på Dansk

There is a time for everything, and for me, now is the time to start working through the preludes! This first one is one that I have played, well, since I started thinking of myself as a guitarist some odd 15 years ago. That this week, was the week of prelude no. 1 was not planned, when I set out to work through the Lobos guitar-pieces, but luck be a lady... Apart from a cover-gig friday night, we moved house on Saturday. Now, Sunday night, I am sitting in my sofa in the living room of a house, that I, and my beloved wife are the legal owners of. That is quite a new sensation to me. So new, in fact, that I have only tried it once before. Yesterday.

There is much to day, in the days leading up to moving house, which means, that I have not had the time to intellectualise much on the prelude. As mentioned earlier, I am not convinced, that there is much to gain from analytical thinking, when it comes to the prelude. In essence, it's just a nice tune, and some more-or-less-cheap guitar-tricks. I have however come to a conclusion; it works! It's fun to play, and my experience tells me, that audiences in general enjoy it too. It may not be the kind of music, that touches your soul in the profoundest of ways, but five minutes of light entertainment is sometimes jsut the thing, after a long day of the old work-work-work.

And without further ado: Prelude no. 1Uden yderligere omsvøb: Præludie nummer 1.

prelude no 1 from Thomas Lyng Poulsen on Vimeo.

Direct link to video

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