søndag den 21. december 2014

Week 21 - prelude no. 2

Dette indlæg på dansk

Another week heavily affected by all this moving-business... But still, I found the time to learn a prelude. Number 2 is quite a simple little thing, in terms of form and musical material; however, it always seems to me, that it has a story to tell. The story changes from playthrough to playthrough, but some kind of story always plays out, on my inner cinema screen. The video was shot in a slightly cramped office space, while visiting family - something that we do a lot these days.

Therefore, I will keep this short, and concentrate on good food, and the good people around me - suggesting, that you do the same. Perhaps after taking a listen to prelude. This version is my way of wishing you and those around you, a very merry Christmas

Prelude no 2 from Thomas Lyng Poulsen on Vimeo.

Direct link to video

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