fredag den 21. november 2014

Week 17 - The week of no video

Dette indlæg på dansk

This was to be the week, apparently, when it proved impossible for me to meet my deadline, and record a video before a week had passed. The combination of an extremely busy week, and the most difficult study yet, at least to my fingers was an adversary with no sign of mercy to it. Study number 10 is very interesting, and a very important one, when it comes to the discussion of manuscript versus printed version. In essense the printed version makes very little sense, in places. A long ascending scale passage ending in a glissando further up leads nowhere... Quite the contrary; one has to leap to the low end of the fretboard. This has been solved in many ways over the years, in various recordings, some even very musical, but still, the manuscript, where the scale and glissando leads logically to a lyrical middle section makes SO much more sense.

If the publisher had asked Villa-Lobos to change the scale to something, that lead somewhat naturally to the section after the omitted lyrical one, we could at least believe, that an onformed choice was made, and would have to think hard on, which version was to be considered the "right one", but with the material at hand, my only conclusion is, that the manuscript version makes absolute musical sense throughout, where the published version contains utter non-sense. Actually I am inclined to believe, that an engraved print-plate must be lying behind a bookshelf somewhere at the Max Eschig-offices ready to be inserted, with the lyrical passage, into the 1953-version...

I promise to practise like a good boy for the next week, so that you can have you study, and I will try hard to make sure, that you shall not have to want for one again, until I have given you 10, 11 and 12, plus the 5 preludes. Before I reach the end of my playthrough the solo-pieces, you might notice a change of location, as I am currently in the process of moving into a house, with a lovely room dedicated to my music-making!

Jeg lover at øve mig flittigt i den kommende uge, sådan at I kan få jeres etude, og jeg vil lægge mig i selen for, at I ikke skal mangle Villa-Lobos igen, før 10, 11 og 12 er lagt frem til skue i den digitale gabestok kaldet internettet, skarpt forfulgt af præludierne! Inden jeg er igennem de sidste stykker vil I blive vidne til, at standard-indspilnings-stedet ændrer sig, da jeg er ved at flytte i eget hus, med et skønt rum afsat til øvning og andre former for musikalsk arbejdsomhed!

Feel free to have a look through the videos of the past 16 weeks while you wait for the video that is to to come next week. After all, there is an hour and a half out there already for your viewing pleasure.

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