fredag den 15. august 2014

Week 3, Scottisch (Choro) from Suite Populaire Bresilienne

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A nice and quiet week; one more movement has been fingered and memorized. I am currently reading two books "The Villa-Lobos Letters" and "The World of Villa-lobos", both by Lisa M. Peppercorn, and through these, I am forming a image of the man, whose music I am utterly unable to not play. Monday marjs the beginning of the music school season - I am curious what the consequenze of this will be, to my little Villa-Lobos adventure.

A word that has filled my thoughts this past week is rubato. Another one is pulse. It appears to me, that the balancing of these two mighty musical weapons is the key, to succesfully solving the pieces I have worked on so far, on this blog. Finding that balance means - I believe - searching territory bordering absurdity. Absurdly rigid and on-time, and absurdly fluid to the point of incomprehensible. When youøve been there, I guess itøs all a matter of relaxing, and just playing... But as always, easier said, than done. The borderland-experiments of the week lead to the vedeo below. Enjoy!

Schottish (Choro) from Suite Populaire Bresilienne *Work in progress* from Thomas Lyng Poulsen on Vimeo.

Direct link to video

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